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Showing posts from July, 2018

The Altcoin Rises

O n May 11 2020, the crypto world experienced the phenomena knows as Bitcoin halving . For those who are still a little looney-toons regarding this phenomena, here's the lowdown . Moral of the story is that, as the Bitcoin supply decreased and it's 21 million market cap slowly approached, it was widely accepted that the low supply and high demand will increase the price of the cryptocurrency back to its previous highs. Basic business right? Wrong! Source: Equity Trust Company BTC prices actually fell and after briefly holding steady, are only just rising above the 10000 USD range. Surprise eh? Well, we are not done yet. Because while the most valuable crypto coin wasn't showing it's expected gains, some other cryptocurrencies shot to outer space. There was no SpaceX rocket nor a Tesla Roadster involved. These "altcoins" bumped up in their market value thanks to the entire underlying system of cryptocurrency: investor speculation.  But what exactly are these &q

Hard to find M-elements could be the Key to unlocking Humanity

(Disclaimer : this is just a field of interest. There remains to be seen if there is actual, hardcore tangible evidence for M-state elements. I'm just speculating as this is a very interesting field of science because its still in its early development stages. More research needs to be done. Of course several companies do sell ORMUS products, claiming benefits and people have claimed it has improved their concentration, strength, speech, cognitive ability etc.I'm more of a seeing-is-believing type, so if I'm wrong please do forgive me.) Admit it, anything with an M in front sounds cool. Be it BMW's M sport division, Madam M from James Bond or be it the cavity inducing M&M chocolates, the word M plays a significant part in our world. Quite literally, a thing called M-state element (s) is a supposedly integral part of every living organism and allegedly makes up 5 % of our Earth. So what really is this M thingy? The classic knowledge teaches us that the three ph

Why F1 is still a bloody enjoyable sport

We live in a funny world today. A significant proportion of us cheer, scream, pull hairs and do an intensive face-palming therapy when we see 22 men mindlessly chasing a ball, seemingly controlled by managers who are experts at shouting. Clearly if there was a degree in shouting , they would probably have received it from the Ivy League. However , a much smaller, comparatively paltry number of us watch men with balls of carbon fibre ( steel is too heavy for cars) race a bajillion laps around smoking tarmacs, experiencing unfathomable g-forces while struggling to control their out of control rockets on wheels. And they say F1 isn't fun. What a load of... I love football but the first ever Brazilian name I knew was Ayrton Senna. I only knew Ferrari because of Michael Schumacher. There are several other references I can give but these two should suffice for you underlings to know about the importance of F1. Some say it has become boring. Others are quick to point the futility of

The McLaren 600 LT Is The Bogeyman For Supercars

Imagine climbing out of a carbon tub where, just a few minutes ago, your body was strapped, with a rock-climbing harness, to the hardest chair in the world, your lungs gasping for air as your face melted into ‘Thanos’ driven puddles of ash.   While your eyes had bulged gratuitously out of its holes and with your normally quick brain seems unable to lift your feet off the pedal, you had watched yourself being trussed like a turkey into an alternate dimension, warped into Stephen Hawking styled black holes. After an intense peeing-your-socks-off session, your nervous system finally erupted, lifting your leaden foot and pressed down hard on the brake pedal.   As you collapsed out of this marvellous "insert preferred colour" beast, the sudden smell of burnt tarmac snapped your eyes back into its sockets only to fleetingly gaze some engineers giving you a haughty look, slightly smirking at the sorry state you were in. But you didn’t care. As you got up, butt-clenching, t

Why the Italdesign GTR is a radical move from Nissan

Imagine the most sporty kid you know win a 100 m race. Simple right? Now imagine the quietest kid, the person who wants-to-skip-P.E wins a 100 m race. Huh doesn’t make sense does it? But that is exactly what the GTR was for Nissan.   A surprise move into the big boys leagues at a fraction of the price. Traditionally a company which made its name by mass-producing consumer level cars, the release of the GTR was greeted with Mount-Everest sized scepticism as well as lot of forehead scratching and intensive face-palming. We thought Nissan lost its balls or in more polite Japanese terms, showed an amazing example of hara-kiri. But when the automobile proved itself to be one of the fastest 0-100 (62mph) cars, a lot of heads turned. The additional fact that car came with a typical Japanese build quality (which is good) and very practical price (which is also good), made the car a very quick seller. For Nissan it was a massive success, like a guy buying 2 lottery tickets and winning b

What will happen in Qatar?

Can you believe that in 4 years time we would be watching the world cup in November -December? The brilliant FIFA committee voted to make the quadrennial tournament shift from its June-July heyday to a relatively barging winter. All because the next tournament is going to be played in a desert. Qatar is a brilliant country in the sense that they are rich, having some of the highest per-capita income of some nations. And frankly speaking all this talk about the illegality of the venue ....its not really you say.. disconcerting ..illegal or not..What happened, has happened. It's too late to go back. Any idea of changing the venue will mean the new host country would have a measly 4 years to encounter aa serious logistical nightmare. It gets worse if that new country has to build stadiums. And Qatar sheikhs will definitely not be impressed. Most of us anyway watch the matches on our TV sipping juice boxes while lackadaisical nodding to someone talking about the impending

The Evolution of Quantum Evolution

Disclaimer: I'm no expert on this topic. To be honest, putting 'quantum' in front of everything makes everything sounds cool but hard to understand. But it's supposed to actually make sense. And I have never done any scientific research apart from checking how many times my brother goes to the fridge to eat bars of KitKat. But like I said its a cool topic and I like cool topics. What really is this thingy call quantum? Firstly, we must understand that once matter is broken down to the tiny tiny thingies called electrons, protons, and neutrons, the classical physics theory begin to make as much sense a student reading 'Further Maths' for the first time. The theories don't just vanish, they are strapped to a Saturn-V rocket and ejected when it comes to these subatomic particles. So Max Planck, a really cool scientist, discovered that electrons, protons, and neutrons act as both particles and waves and that's as opposite as you can get. Particles are c

Could France versus Croatia be the most thrilling yet unexpected world cup match ever ?

Could you have imagined several weeks ago that Lovren, Dejan Lovren, of all people having a World Cup winner's medal in his scarce trophy cabinet, over the likes of Messi, Ronaldo, and Neymar? Funny isn't it? I would have put more money on that Liverpool player Bellydancing than reaching the finals. And that's why this France vs Croatia match up, almost as believable as VAR actually being good, is one way to end one hell of a world cup. Favourites falling, giant-killing, beer draining, the World Cup has seen it all. But this the first time that Germany, Argentina, or Brazil have never reached the semifinals, their replacements being Croatia, Belgium, and England (of all teams). France already had the favourites status, and they once again go into a match as obscenely heavy favourites.Again.Remember Euro 2016? Yeah, that. This time they have Kylian, and players who are now much better experienced having played and lost one final. For Croatia, this is the first time t h

What would happen if It actually 'Came Home'?

Technically speaking I don't live in Britain, neither am I a British citizen. So even if England somehow win it, it won't truly be coming home, at least for me. But let's stick with 'it's coming home' shall we? I love Britain. Aston Martin, McLaren, Southgate, Kane..... With England now in the semifinals, the first time since 1990, English fans are truly believing they might win their first world cup since 1966. And tbh, it would be great. England was never one of the favourites. They weren't even considered potential dark horses like Belgium. Before the world cup, many fans believed England would get out of their group but somehow contrived to lose in the last 16 to some lesser team. As far as I remember, England even failed to get out of their group 4 years ago. Fast-forward to now where they are going to play against Croatia for a spot in the finals. With the help of very easy group as well as Harry Kane heroics, England qualified for the last 16.

Lucky Belgian "roll" another favourite out of the World Cup. Could they win it ?

These are the kinda games which you really want to sit up and watch. The best attack vs the best defence. Statistically, it was supposed to be football nirvana. France vs Uruguay? Psssh...Nah those are the underlying things. They kinda match you only watch the highlights for. The real deal was Brazil vs Belgium. And it delivered. At least for the fans, the lovers of Belgian chocolates, and the creators of Neymar memes. To be more precise it misdelivered for the Brazilians. It was always going to be a tough game. And Titee..uh sorry... Tite...knew Belgium, with the bullish Lukaku, the fleet-footed Hazard and 'Merlin' De Bruyne were going to present their hardest challenge yet at the World Cup. Mexico? Even Sweden scored 3 goals past the Mexicans. So yes, Belgium was going to be tough. But witnessing the Belgians huffing and puffing their way against a very delightful Japan side, Brazil and their coach knew there were some caldera sized holes to exploit. And exploit they did.