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The Altcoin Rises

O n May 11 2020, the crypto world experienced the phenomena knows as Bitcoin halving . For those who are still a little looney-toons regarding this phenomena, here's the lowdown . Moral of the story is that, as the Bitcoin supply decreased and it's 21 million market cap slowly approached, it was widely accepted that the low supply and high demand will increase the price of the cryptocurrency back to its previous highs. Basic business right? Wrong! Source: Equity Trust Company BTC prices actually fell and after briefly holding steady, are only just rising above the 10000 USD range. Surprise eh? Well, we are not done yet. Because while the most valuable crypto coin wasn't showing it's expected gains, some other cryptocurrencies shot to outer space. There was no SpaceX rocket nor a Tesla Roadster involved. These "altcoins" bumped up in their market value thanks to the entire underlying system of cryptocurrency: investor speculation.  But what exactly are these ...

Why the North Korean and American summit beats Peanut Butter and Pancakes

My last article described how, along with James Franco, we Homo Sapiens face extinction. But like an eager child who goes to play forgetting his undies, I forgot about the Nuclear War story.  Although this 'story' might not be as fresh as a new pair of socks, it is an added dimension to our human extinction theory. And that's why ' The Summit' ( not the Everest mind you) between 'cute as kittens' heads of 2 states is a way of vanquishing the incessant beast of mass destruction. I mean you can't enjoy peanut butter when you are toast (pun intended)  right?
   Image result for trump

The first meeting between Trump and Kim could determine the fate of not just the two countries but an entire world as well. If a war does occur the rest of the world can't just sit in their pyjamas and eat popcorn. Allies on both sides will want to get their hands on each other expensive throats. And then WW3 would hit us quicker than you can say ' World War 3'.

What is scarier than watching Trump dictating international policy, is the fact that a nuclear weapon is now several times more destructive than the 'little boy' and ' fat men' that ran away with some Japanese furniture and a few lives. Few. Ha. ( i don't mean to be offensive)

Both these countries have nuclear warheads although Kim did destroy his lego missile base a few weeks ago. But even then, Kim Jong-un is not a Kardashian and is smart and will surely have some sort of ace up his little Mao suit sleeve. The US, barring Russia and possibly China, is obviously the most powerful nation on the Earth and if Northerners throw their fireworks this side of the Pacific Ocean, I can guarantee Trump knows how and which buttons to push. The power to wipe out an entire country lies in the hands of an orange-haired businessman. Trump might even build a few hotels there. After the radioactivity level decreases of course. While he may be safe in his hay bunker all of North Korea would become a slaughterhouse. And all this without a single US army operative entering the land. How cool is that! Trump would certainly be rubbing his hands knowing he must be the smartest man in the world.
Image result for trump   Image result for kim jong un
So why exactly does Trump need this meeting? Cuz he is an ally of South Korea doofus. I mean surely Samsung and Hyundai are more important to the US economy than some weird state with a lot of Redwoods ( California.duh.) And Kim wouldn't hesitate to go full self-destruction mode and destroy the entire Korean Peninsula when he realises the light in the night sky is not a shooting star.
And the mushroom-like cloud from the radiation of the firework explosion is bound to affect both sides of the DMZ. The only good outcome from this scenario is the end of K-Pop. Although I secretly want the K-pop girls to survive. 

Kim needs this meeting more because the pesky little sanctions seem to annoy him as well. While he fantasizes about wearing Nike shorts and Beats on his head he will have to end up coping with the Korean version of Airpods. Then again, he would hate to lose his trademark hairstyle if he buys a pair of Beats. The hairstyle is what makes him the most recognisable head of state by far. Even my brother could see him coming from a mile away. And that's saying something as my brother calls every almost bald, dark skin person 'Obama'. Makes it hard to take him on trips to the shopping malls. With the help of deal, Kim could remove some sanctions while at the same time try to negotiate the reduction of mass anti cheerleading done by the US and South Korean troops the other side of the DMZ. 

A deal would not only be a win for the Korean Mao, but it could also be a win for Trump's regime. Ever since Trump trumped Hillary and sat on the obsidian thrown in a 'white building', his only actual achievement so far is proving you don't need experience to get a job. He is a businessman in heart and he knows a victory for both sides is likely to be a proper peace treaty rather than seeing who's got bigger balls of steel. Both are erratic, eccentric and run markedly different regimes. But a win for Kim would not only elevate himself in the world scenario but it would also show Trump is not as stupid as we thought he would be. 

Both would-be heroes in the eyes of many as a deal would at least limit or delay the possibility of global annihilation. Putin's still out there fellas. So while Peanut Butter and Pancakes is a match made in heaven, a deal for the sake of the human race is er... a match made for us to continue believing in heaven.


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