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The Altcoin Rises

O n May 11 2020, the crypto world experienced the phenomena knows as Bitcoin halving . For those who are still a little looney-toons regarding this phenomena, here's the lowdown . Moral of the story is that, as the Bitcoin supply decreased and it's 21 million market cap slowly approached, it was widely accepted that the low supply and high demand will increase the price of the cryptocurrency back to its previous highs. Basic business right? Wrong! Source: Equity Trust Company BTC prices actually fell and after briefly holding steady, are only just rising above the 10000 USD range. Surprise eh? Well, we are not done yet. Because while the most valuable crypto coin wasn't showing it's expected gains, some other cryptocurrencies shot to outer space. There was no SpaceX rocket nor a Tesla Roadster involved. These "altcoins" bumped up in their market value thanks to the entire underlying system of cryptocurrency: investor speculation.  But what exactly are these &q

Would You Pay Millions for Pizza?

Pizza is one of the most universally loved junk foods. Sure we have arguments over pineapple and pizza and other such nonsense, but the majority of us can agree its a great comfort food,.Served either with some cheesy garlic breadsticks or wedges etc. or even just taken straight up cold, pizza invokes the sense of inner joy like few foods do. It's the kind of food you are willing to pay a decent amount for. But would you pay 8 figures for it? Now, this 8 figure sum is in US Dollars and not Zimbabwe Dollars. Nevertheless, fa ncy paying close to 100 million of those lovely green-ba cks for 2 large pizzas? Well sadly, you won't be the first one to achieve this absurdity. You see, on 22nd May 2010,  Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000BTC for 2 large pizzas. The core idea was using Bitcoin as a method of payment, something which had never been done prior to this occasion. So our man Laszlo decided to reach out to the community members of the Bitcointalk Forum, created by BTC founder

COVID-19 Proves America Isn't A Superpower Anymore

E very major Alien Invasion/ Natural Disaster movie seems to have some sort of grudge against the United States of America. From the pure statistical standpoint, it's understandable. The United States is the world's biggest economy, has the strongest military, houses most of the world's richest and influential companies and etc. Hell, the movies are created by 'Hollywood' right? America is always shown as the country by which every other country is measured, it's President shown to be the world's most respected and decisive man. Well, you know what makes a country go from a superpower to pure laughing stock: bad leadership. Especially by a man who is not respected, but ridiculed and mocked by most nations in the world. Trump is decisive, but, in making horrible decisions. For the rest of the world, he is a living-walking-orange spray tan-talking meme. Great for a few laughs, but horrible when you realise that the man who can't stand straight at

Should Students Invest in Bitcoin?

  A nd tips for when you do! T he student life is as tough as trying to chew ice ( the water one..not the Breaking Bad one).  Studying (if you are into that) and completing assignments, handling relationships with friends and family (among others), rogue viruses ( looking at you Covid-19), partying with the said friends ( and family? hmm), all the while trying your best to be cool ( pun intended); these are just a few of many aspects that a student has to juggle regularly, leaving said student little time for other pursuits. Such as managing themselves financially. Now look, who am I kidding. Most students are broke. One way to identify any student is by estimating the number of instant noodle packets he/she/it buys. It's cheap, fills us up, and well its..uh..instant, as simple as that. Furthermore, our education system, while very good at providing us in-depth knowledge about certain topics we would never need to use in our future life, fails miserably at giving

The A-Z of Bitcoin Halving

T he definition of Halving is quite self-explanatory, meaning literally dividing something ( or someone...which is not something we necessarily condone) into two equal parts. It could be as wild as the Kingsman-esque scene (where Sofia Boutella really had some dope kicks) to as simple as dividing a piece of cake for the mutual enjoyment of two people. Unless of course you divide them in half and eat the entire slice yourself. You get the picture. The bitcoin halving phenomenon is exactly that (minus the grisly killing), where the amount of reward given to miners gets decreased to exactly half of what it was pre-halving. Still, confusing?  Allow me to explain via this hastily written list: A t maximum, there can only be 21 million Bitcoins in the world. The reason the upper cap exists is to incentivise investors to buy into the currency, because when Bitcoin was first introduced, its creator Satoshi Nakamoto, had no idea whether it would end up being adopted by the Homo Sapien

Death of a Nuclear Dictator?

Or the Birth of a New One? T here is definitely one thing most of us have in common, and that's the fact that we started off this year, as we do all years, saying, " Happy New Year". A new year, a new decade was upon us as the second hand's of the clocks around the world shifted from 11:59:59 PM to 12:00:00 AM.  Gym owners were laughing mischievously, retailers were anticipating rising sales charts, Jeff Bezos and his counterparts were wondering how many zeros they could add to their bank accounts, etc. etc. The start of the year is always the most exciting time but holy mackerel, 2020 took 'exciting' new level.        January had Australia burning, laced with the imminent threat of war. February and March saw the stock markets declining. Volcanoes have exploded, earthquakes have struck, the legendary Kobe Bryant has died (RIP to all those who lost their lives in the crash) , oil has become as worthless as achieving second place in a presidential ele

Luck, Madmen and the Knockout Stages of the Champions League

'Mission Impossible' said Tottenham boss Pochettino. And for neutrals and supporters alike, the idea of Tottenham beating Barcelona was as probable as Tottenham finally playing their games at their supposed next-gen home ground. Inter Milan were widely expected to beat PSV but Lozano and Co. had other ideas. In fact, until Icardi's goalmouth scramble, Milan looked to be set for a loss. On the other side of the world however Tottenham was ruing their missed sitters and after a draw, were left breathlessly watching the game in Italy. And a draw was enough. Like Tom Cruise reprising the role of Ethan Hunt, Harry Kane did what he did best and carried Tottenham to the knockout stages. Supposedly Lady Luck seems to prefer the Englishmen as even Liverpool were lucky enough to qualify by the skin of their teeth. Man Utd were a gone case..even Lady Luck couldn't favor them. Anfield saw Sadio Mane miss chances that even El Nino in his "prime" would have put to be

What is the Best Car in 2018

... At least according to Top Gear 😂 Car Of The Year 2018 Ford Fiesta ST Supercar Of The Year 2018 Ferrari 488 Pista Sports Car Of The Year 2018 Renault Alpine A 110 SpeedWeek Winner 2018 -Basically the Best Driver's Car of 2018 Renault Alpine A 110 For more crazy Awards  like Biggest Wings, Voice of the Year and etc. visit Top Gear.