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The Altcoin Rises

O n May 11 2020, the crypto world experienced the phenomena knows as Bitcoin halving . For those who are still a little looney-toons regarding this phenomena, here's the lowdown . Moral of the story is that, as the Bitcoin supply decreased and it's 21 million market cap slowly approached, it was widely accepted that the low supply and high demand will increase the price of the cryptocurrency back to its previous highs. Basic business right? Wrong! Source: Equity Trust Company BTC prices actually fell and after briefly holding steady, are only just rising above the 10000 USD range. Surprise eh? Well, we are not done yet. Because while the most valuable crypto coin wasn't showing it's expected gains, some other cryptocurrencies shot to outer space. There was no SpaceX rocket nor a Tesla Roadster involved. These "altcoins" bumped up in their market value thanks to the entire underlying system of cryptocurrency: investor speculation.  But what exactly are these &q

COVID-19 Proves America Isn't A Superpower Anymore

Every major Alien Invasion/ Natural Disaster movie seems to have some sort of grudge against the United States of America. From the pure statistical standpoint, it's understandable. The United States is the world's biggest economy, has the strongest military, houses most of the world's richest and influential companies and etc. Hell, the movies are created by 'Hollywood' right? America is always shown as the country by which every other country is measured, it's President shown to be the world's most respected and decisive man.
Just how dumb does Donald Trump think Americans are? - The ...
Well, you know what makes a country go from a superpower to pure laughing stock: bad leadership. Especially by a man who is not respected, but ridiculed and mocked by most nations in the world. Trump is decisive, but, in making horrible decisions. For the rest of the world, he is a living-walking-orange spray tan-talking meme. Great for a few laughs, but horrible when you realise that the man who can't stand straight at all runs the most 'powerful' country in the world, a place whose policies affect the majority of the rest of the world.
Body Language Analysis №4382: Why is Donald Trump Leaning Forward ...
The current POTUS and his cabinet have been more worried about Wall Street than about the health and safety of the people who make up the United States. It is saddening to watch how the Administration went from full-on denial about the pandemic, to know that ' This was always going to happen'. Because they knew. The 45th Head of State had received several briefings for the incumbent coronavirus situation, well before the Wuhan virus went into devastation mode. His foolishness has cost the lives of over 90,000 Americans and led to over 1.5 million infections.  And counting. What an absolute moron.
Speaking of morons, why the hell are so many Americans taking to the streets and revolting? Because of Freedom or (insert chosen number) Amendment? No one hates likes staying at home for an extended period of time, no one likes being jobless (also apart from you guys, no one likes Trump) but everyone needs to understand: we are in a situation with an entirely new virus which in a span of a few months has decimated the world economy and left most of us in a state of worry. Things will never go back to normal unless a vaccine is created and people are inoculated. The virus exists and its rapid spread can only be combatted by listening to the professional medical experts and following guidelines. These people have slogged away years of their life to get to where they are right now.

Fact check: Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates won't profit from remdesivir

Listen to Dr Anthony Fauci, not some excuse of a human being with a wig ( Trump, if my fellow readers are lost). Seriously, would you like to follow a guy who took the fight to AIDS, who has actually worked as a medical expert for 6 presidents, or follow the idiot who doesn't want to wear a mask, hides his tax returns, calls himself a patriot but never served in the Vietnam War and a 'deal' genius who's multiple bankruptcies were rescued by 'daddy's' money. You don't need to be educated to see the difference, you just need common sense.

Sadly, common sense is what's lacking in many protestors. Worse still, even though the majority of the American population are in favour of the lockdown to extend, it doesn't take too many people to spread the virus. For example, South Korea, one of the few success stories regarding the novel coronavirus situation, closed down all nightclubs in a town, beginning to test well over 5500 people, all because one guy (who tested positive for the virus) visited 3 of these nightclubs without a mask. One guy. In the USA, you have hundreds of protestors in close quarters, most of which don't wear a mask or maintain a safe distance. 
Why can't these people realise that the more rules they flout, the worse the virus spreads thus leading only to an extension of the lockdown? The already stressed healthcare industry and its workforce are barely able to stay toe to toe with the spread, sometimes without even proper safety equipment. The protestors are jeopardizing not only their lives but the lives of the front line workers and the lives of the at-risk people. All because of 'Freedom'. 

CPJ Safety Advisory: Covering U.S. coronavirus anti-lockdown ...

These people should be held accountable and told to take their 'Freedom' and shove it up their gluteus Maximus. The only issue is that the Head of State is the one who ends up goading and encouraging them. Apparently, he has the 'Ultimate Authority' and this has led him to fight with the governors of several states. And oh please, all this talk about the cure being worse than the problem itself. Well, governor Andrew Cuomo of New York aptly put it, "The problem is DEATH. How can the cure be worse than the problem, if the problem is DEATH?"
For any country to be an absolute superpower, it must be strong and in control from within. These past few months have shown America is anything but. The infighting between governors and the state department, the absolute stupidity of Donald J Trump, and the sheer amount of fake news being promoted by the American media just points to one thing: America is crumbling from within. America has no unity.
The United States of America, unfortunately, is not 'united'. Ironic, no?


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