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The Altcoin Rises

O n May 11 2020, the crypto world experienced the phenomena knows as Bitcoin halving . For those who are still a little looney-toons regarding this phenomena, here's the lowdown . Moral of the story is that, as the Bitcoin supply decreased and it's 21 million market cap slowly approached, it was widely accepted that the low supply and high demand will increase the price of the cryptocurrency back to its previous highs. Basic business right? Wrong! Source: Equity Trust Company BTC prices actually fell and after briefly holding steady, are only just rising above the 10000 USD range. Surprise eh? Well, we are not done yet. Because while the most valuable crypto coin wasn't showing it's expected gains, some other cryptocurrencies shot to outer space. There was no SpaceX rocket nor a Tesla Roadster involved. These "altcoins" bumped up in their market value thanks to the entire underlying system of cryptocurrency: investor speculation.  But what exactly are these &q

Vaaammoosss Argentina

It seems funny considering that Argentina possibly pulled off the great escape, only for the world media to intensely focus on Messi actually giving the team a pep talk. After all, Messi is the captain, but team talks were never his speciality. I read an article on ESPN stating that 'Ronaldo, not Messi, is closer to Maradona'. In that article it stated on how Ronaldo craved the attention of his teammates and would say 'don't worry guys, I got this', but Messi due to his introvert nature would say 'Hey don't look at me.' Looks like Messi read that article as well. And Argentina won.

Image result for argentina

It wasn't a blow away win, they literally scraped through to the last 16. But they did it, and I'm happy. I mean not that super Maradona-gets-heart-attack-style-happy, but happy. They now face France. While normally speaking neither France nor Argentina would want to face another 'top team' so early,  neither of them are any close to being a 'top team'.

France like Argentina have an embarrassment of riches upfront, but the front line hasn't clicked yet. Their backline might be much better, than the Argentinians but Denmark showed that they can be outgunned. So Argentina has a chance, which in effect is good. When Messi played against Nigeria, he looked a different man, a visceral hunger in his eyes. Sampaoli finally pushed him up, meaning Messi was now closer to the goal. His absolute wallop of shot after controlling the ball, pushing it forward and hitting the back of the net was a traditional Messi goal. He didn't even break stride.  Mascherano almost screwed it all over, by giving some slacked passes, as well as the penalty. He seems definitely more shittier than his Barcelona days, but Rojo clinched the winner and Argentina were through. They might not be better than France but if they played with the same hunger displayed against the Nigerians, you could see Messi and Co making it to at least another match. Moreover, Germany is out of the World Cup, so Argentina will now have something to prove.

Image result for germany vs south korea

Germany played well, but their atypical shooting inefficiency let them down. Merkel would not be impressed. Korea's goalkeeper was also much better than your average Berlin Wall. And Sweden topped the Group.

Which is why the Argentinians have their chance to make this their third world cup. The favourites are lagging. Among them, only Brazil seemed to be showing signs of life. England and Belgium are playing well but that was against Panama and Tunisia. Ronaldo might be banging goals, but Iran showed that getting them on the back foot wasn't impossible. Spain has defensive issues. Argentina might get knocked out against France. But the squad now know how it's like to be on the front pages of the sports sections for the wrong reason. They are not the 2014 Argentina, which blew away teams, but they now are desperate, more so knowing this could be their last chance saloon. Its time for Sampaoli to put his foot down, for Higuain to seriously improve his finishing, and for the squad as a whole to say 'Vaaammmooosss Argentina'.


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